Episode 1: Introducing All Gen Gamers!

We start things off with a bang! First we introduce ourselves and why we made this podcast, then we delve into why we started collecting games in the first place which leads us into the topic of how we first discovered and started playing video games. Other topics are brought up the whole way through, such as tips for making a YouTube channel, the joys of receiving a 3DO for Christmas, games we have been playing, and so much more! Our guest this week is Jimmy, "lotsofgames" as he is known on YouTube.
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Reader Comments (26)
This is pretty awesome, but it would be VERY nice you made it so I can subscribeon zune player...would love to get updates on my zune!
some long ass podcast
Ummm, yah i have a suggestion .. .. yah keep up this awesome podcast and just plain keep being AWESOME!!! that is all :P I like to hear your guys opiniions on individual games, and on a bunch of games at a time. . . so this was a very entertaining podcast and I really enjoyed it, so keep it up!!!
This was awesome! Really looking forward to the next episode with Luke :) You should consider having DinkyDana on the show, and Steve Benway, and Matt Barton, and dommiesan, and........There are quite a few great channels on youtube :)
Thank you for this amazing podcast.
Please keep it going
I second Matt Barton, aka blacklily8 on youtube. His show is awesome, and he always has extraordinary guests, like John Romero. He could offer some awesome insight I bet.
I like how Pete loves Sonic. I fell in love with Sonic after I got my first system (A Genesis) though it was back in 2002, I stayed up all night playing Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Afterwards I got a Dreamcast and bought Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Sega really did a nice job brings the badass blue guy we know today into the gaming world.
Hope you have my personal favorite YouTube gamer Therealagerbon as a guest soon.
I really enjoyed this podcast. Great to hear intelligent gamers talking about what other gamers want to hear. Looking forward to future podcasts so keep up the great work.
Hi, guys!
Really enjoyed listening to your starting episode. It's pretty awesome. But having followed your regular output on YouTube I really haven't expected anything else.
Speaking of the first/second meaning of *Gen* in your audio shows' title (great one, btw.!) Pete really got me wondering and figuring out what age his grandfather must have been when Pete got accquainted to video games at the age of six or seven. His granddad must have been in his (late) forties back then. What a cool cat! If he's still around (which I hope for) and if he's still attached to the subject of gaming get him on the show, please! (Because i'm always wondering if there's people over 50 loving and doing IT -- former developing people from the Golden Age excluded.)
Keep on keeping on -- I'm hot for Ep. 2 now.
Regards from Germany
I Really like it - keep up the hard work!
I liked the episode. Maybe I little bit to long for one sitting (so i listened to it in 3 parts). I think the sweetspot for podcasts is around an hour. I think this would be better for you guys als if you want to do it weekly ;-)
Keep up the good work....
Great job on the first Podcast, I look forward to listening to you guys every week. Now that Idle Thumbs podcast is going under again, I need something to replace it - and although you guys aren't humour based, I still enjoy the retro-collecting feeling that I can connect with (being a collector) myself.
I love this idea I hope one day to be on the show :) since I'm the youngest retro gamer from YouTube :)
a very interesting podcast to listen to. And this coming from a person who doesn't normally listen to them. Keep up the good work!
glad u guys started this up pretty interesting to listen to look forward to more episodes
Hey guys! nice work, keep it up.
maybe you guys could get something with finngamer on youtube sometime, and get in to a bit about video game journalism.
btw if you haven't seen his vids, He has a mad N64 collection!
is this supose to be just a sound track, it's alll im getting when i download, or can someone be nice and tell me how to do it please?
Love the podcast, I've been running my website for less than a year but love what retro gaming brings to the industry. Gamers should appreciate today's games knowing how far we've come.
Happy Console Gamer has really inspired me to actually get videos of game play and buy the domain to post news, videos and reviews of retro and indie games. I also agree with the crew on loving games and not trying to bash games for hits or traffic. I love retro gaming and collecting my collection is getting up there but not anything massive like you guys. I wish you all the continued success and you've got a true supporter in me.
JMurphy - Social Gamer
the only problem i had with this is people are talking over each other,having at least 2 or 3 on a podcast should be the max any more than that is just overkill