Episode 12: Video Games Are AWESOME!

This week we are joined by Fraser from FarFromSubtle, the producer and creative mind behind the popular shows "Awesome Video Games" and "Video Games AWESOME!" on YouTube. We get a behind the scenes look into the process of creating the show and what games Fraser has been playing recently. If you are a fan of the NES and wished for a video game show that felt like a classic 80's video game commercial meets Wayne's World, Awesome Video Games is right up your alley! And if you want some hilarious looks into today's modern games, Video Games AWESOME! is for you. We also answer your questions, and want to remind you that we are now accepting audio questions! Send them to contact@allgengamers.com
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Reader Comments (11)
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this show is kinda gay guys. need a better performance.
whats with just one question a week? Also you guys need to all goto Kotaku once a day as the lack of info you guys have on current events sometimes is frustrating to listen to.
You guys need to go back to talking about old systems and old games as the main topics for the shows
I've watch Video Games AWESOME! few episodes now,
from casual gamer as myself, their videos are very fun.
if Fraser would like to release an episode weekly, then why not record about a set of 20 or so episodes, release 10 on a weekly basis. then go on a 5-7 month break, before releasing the other 10. once those 10 are finished, as well as the previous and 5-7 month break, should have a nice handful to release in another 5-7 months.
hoping thats why we haven't seen an episode of awesome video games in a while. you know, prep time for a weekly schedule of set of episodes.
oh, and loved the idea of the ninja turtles show. really laughed out loud at that. Its usually fun to view there video games AWESOME show, with how they all interact with one another. put a ninja turtle action figure in each of there hands...... I can see that as being something worthy of at least 100,000 views per video.
also liked hearing that he has been playing enslaved. could make for another amusing episode of the vga show
and to comment on Pete Dorr, I do end up watching the videos no matter what length. the 40 minute video I fount to be such a treat. But it is nice of you to consider all fans, cause it is understandable that some people may not have that time on there hands.
I would suggest, if its an hour-long video, or whatever, then split it up into parts. Definitely wanna view it all, but to make it comfortable for everyone, not just me, splitting it up into 8-12 minute parts I think would satisfy all the viewers.
so then one viewer may wanna watch part one, come back to part 2 a couple days later. sometimes you may be a few weeks without posting any new videos, so for 5 or 6 parts of a video, should hold everyone over.
Why is Jason now on every Episode?
I really appreciate that he's doing the whole editing thing but wasn't the show originally about HCG, Gamester81 and PeteDorr?
I don't see the point cause his youtube channel is not that big and he's a annoying egocentric guy anyways so i guess you
guys just let him be on the show because he does the editing and it would be impolite to not let him be on the show.
but perhaps that was his plan right from the start: to do the editing just for being able to join the show.
It's true. Please get Jason off the podcast. He's a nice guy and all but for some reason he just doesn't gel right with the rest of you. He does a great job making the podcast sound high in quality but lets leave it at that. The podcast is getting too crowded. However IF you need to have 4 members on the cast then bring on Robman full time. That guy was money and had excellent chem with Johnny.
Thank you.
I noticed a bit of spark of interest when bringing up thatguywiththeglasses.
there close to launching another site called blisteredthumbs. you know how you guys were talking about "gamers should review the games", I am pretty certain thats what the site will most likely be about. they will also maintain entertaining videos. and, I think pete, johnny, gamester would be a welcome to the site. johnny has such charisma on screen and does hosts some entertaining videos. gamester has mass amount of video game consoles and there currently isn't anyone on thatguywiththeglasses who is doing something like that. so gamester I am sure they will also enjoy. and Pete has an insane collection of video games or video game-related items, as well as being very calm and down to earth. I could see him as being someone the fans may enjoy. and if any 3 of you can write, there looking for people to write articles and give scores on recent video games. may wanna check that out as well. be part of the revolution. where gamers give honest scoring, no greed involved.
I disagree with the comments about Jason. I think he's a great fit with the other guys and always enjoy what he has to contribute.
However, I agree that this was a mediocre episode. I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say we want to hear more of what you guys have to say and not so much of the guest. Also the forum questions and games you've been playing sections were way too short this week (although I understand why you couldn't really do the games you've been playing section this week).
But anyways, I want to say that I really enjoy your show and keep up the usually great work!
(Remember.. More of the four of you and less of the guest would be awesome :-D)
I have to follow up to what the above poster has said. We definitely want to hear more from YOU guys and not so much on the guests. The guests can be a real treat and enjoyable for sure but it sucks when it seems the hosts are very mute for most of the show. Especially you, Pete. Come on, guy. Get in there and speak your mind like you do with your YT shows. It's just starting to seem that anyone could ask these guests the questions... You four hardly have a voice at times.
If you guys have to have a guest... then please look into getting NintendoFanGirl & The Angry Video Game Nerd on there. HOW these two haven't been mentioned is beyond me.
As for Jason? As I said before, I don't think he's a perfect fit. He's a GOOD fit and seems like a nice guy but I don't know... he just comes across like he is just somehow above the rest of you. Maybe he doesn't even notice that but that's the feel I get. But, hey, he's a Killer Instinct mark. So, I gotta like him for that. Heh.
Just keep doing what you do, guys... but maybe time to time lets switch up the format a bit. Guests should be guests and not feel like they own the show.
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